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Exams , as usual ~~

Posted by GraceQute Labels: , ,

Hey guys ! so sorry I won't be able to go online again these days because I have exams in 2 weeks , hope you all will understand . This mid-year exam is very important , my mum say if I doesn't get all pass in this exam she's going to cut the internet line , this time she's serious ~~ So i gotta go ! see you in a week ! :)
(online once a week until further notice)


ps : Aren't Flora look pretty in that pose ? got it from Analadygaga's :D

pps : i will change the blog look later :)

Magazine Scans ( Winx Love)

Posted by GraceQute Labels: , , , , , , ,

These are all books about the Winx , mostly about couples .

Un incantesimo per Flora 
translated to English means , a spell for Flora .

Una canzone per Musa
translated to English means , a song by Musa .

Una sfilata per Stella 
translated to English means , a fashion show for Stella

Un ballo per Bloom
translated to English means , a dance for Bloom .
Bloom's mysterious dress revealed in this book ! They are having a ball , the girls dressed Bloom up in this dress and she danced with Sky  ! She even meet Sky's parents in Sky's home land (Eraklyon) . 

credits : goes to Rai-Dues for the magazine scans

Mothers' day lunch

Posted by GraceQute Labels: ,

Today me and my family went to Pizza Hut to eat some pizza , we meet something pretty gross and annoying .

At first , we sat down on our table . While waiting for our pizza there came some people in the next table . A little baby sat beside my sister , he is kind of cute . At first .......
After our neighbours settle down , the cute baby turned into a devil ! He started to jump on the sofa , running into the plastic bags of outfit me and my sister just brought , dancing etc . My sister took the bags and put it somewhere safe , now my sister is the one kicked by that little monster . She try hard to ignore , i can tell from her eyes .

Suddenly he didn't move just sit beside his brother smiling . Guess what ? He pee on the sofa ! His parents doesn't give him any diapers , so it's on the sofa . At first i don't know what's going on because i am focusing on eating the pizza , my sister looks green and told me about it . Thank goodness his mum helped him to change his pants !

After that , both of us stare at him really hard . That , get his dad's attention and put him in a baby  chair . What an "exciting" lunch !

Site redecorating

Posted by GraceQute Labels: ,

Hey everyone ! Grace here ! I am so sorry about the closing for my blog without notice . I want to give it a surprise . The new redecorating it's kinda not as good , but i will change it later . Especially the banner . I will post more about myself now , since my information for Winx is not much . by the way , enjoy the new look ! and thanks for visiting ! bye for now !

