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Posted by GraceQute Labels: , ,

Hi Everyone ! This is Grace just wanna tell you guys about my blog .
You all have permission to save the pictures in "Pictures"

But Please don't copy my title "Official blog"
sorry to say but it was my idea first so please don't copy it unless i say ok .
please coorperate .
The blogs I approved is
Bloomerica's official blog
and ONLY hers . She gave me credits in her blog
hope you guys understand
please DON'T be angry .
You'll understand if you were me .

Official Blog™


  1. believixMusa

    hey grace i have made a official blog but can I have your permission to officially open it?

  1. GraceQute

    OMG ! i forgot 'bout yours ! of course you can sweetie ! ;) i just say that there's a LOT of people copy my idea and doesn't gimme credits so ~~ you understand what i mean ~~
    you know how it feels when you create some thing and someone took it away from you , it's kinda sad :'( but you're ok ; ) you're one of my best friend ; )

  1. Anonymous

    I won't, I promise ;)

  1. GraceQute

    thanks Pheobe !

  1. Kikurukina Bal Des'cagel

    You can't actually say that 'official blog' spiel. You don't own the trademark or the copyright, last time I checked. There are a lot of legalities attached to that phrase.
