1. Youtube
2. Winx Sites Contest *closed*
there's 3 sites joined and all of them are amazing ! But only 2 sites entered the 2nd round !
first ....
Bloomerica's "Winx Club 4 Ever" !
It all started as a school project...
I used to visit Winx Club websites and blogs for fun and ran across tons of fun images. (Since I really thought/think Winx Club is AMAZING.) I eventually found Michael's Favorites and I think that was the website that inspired me the most. It was really well done with lots of pictures and an extremely cool news page. For a while I participated in sending news into that website - but eventually I decided I really wanted to start a website of my own.
One day, I was like, so determined and I drew the "main page" design on paper and showed my parents. They liked it, so they helped me set one up. I learned basic web design and immediately fell in love with it - while it being part of my school! My parents let me use this HTML book that was probably as big as a couple of fat bricks, but I barely even scanned it. I used Google when I wanted to know how to do something!
I saved images, made them into JPEGs (since they load faster) and wrote down Winx Club info as well as what I thought of the show. Starting up the website took me a couple of months because of all the images I had to edit.
I continued building up my website until May 20th, 2009 when I had my Grand Opening - as well as a contest to celebrate! I got two entries (thanks Grace and Phoebe! You rock!!), but I didn't mind too much. After all, my website had just started and nobody knew about it.
I posted my site on a couple of Topsites to get people to visit it - and then to my surprise I was getting a TON of visits! After awhile, I was getting a steady 1,000 visits PER DAY!
By August 17th I was up to 100,000 visits and I held another contest. I seriously couldn't/can't believe how many people enjoy visiting my site!!
Now, I am up to 200,000 visits and about 200 comments (including mine) and more and more everyday!
Well, that's how it started and i hope you enjoyed my report! ^_^ Thanks for reading!